I hear echo when i use microphone on mixxx dj
I hear echo when i use microphone on mixxx dj

My solution works fine as long as the track I am recording is not the same track(s) playing back while I'm recording.

i hear echo when i use microphone on mixxx dj

The solution-bringer will have my undying gratitude.ĭang. How can I hear the input from my microphone through my earphones in real-time? I need to hear what's coming out of my lips and what what's coming into the phones in the same instant, and that sure ain't happening now! If I can wrestle this last problem to the ground, I will be a happy and satisified camper, but I obviously need some help here. Obviously, I'm doing something wrong here because my M-Audio literature boasts of no latency, and I am using a 3 ghz processor with lots of memory and disk space. Today, I tried just arming a digital audio track and talking into the mic, and I got the same echo effect. My phones are plugged into the left main out of the M-Audio 192 breakout. The end recording had no lag between the two tracks, but the vocal of course fell apart because I could not stay with the guitar track hearing my voice in echo. The bad news is that when I tried to record a second track vocal while listening to the guitar track on headphones, I got a pretty horrible lag between what I was singing into the mic and what I was eventually hearing through the phones.

i hear echo when i use microphone on mixxx dj

In addition, I used my new Behringer B-1, with ART MP tube amp to record an acoustic guitar track, which really turned out nice. I did all of the Cakewalk digital audio tutorials, which were loads of fun. Well, I am elated to report that everything works just peachy except for the "bad" discussed below. As an angst-ridden newbie I was really sure that when I installed my new M-Audio Audiophile 192 card, and thereafter installed Cakewalk Home Studio 2, nothing would work right, or worse that my whole computer would crash and burn.

I hear echo when i use microphone on mixxx dj